Air Quality
Cleaning the air
How is air pollution impacting the UK?
Air pollution is the greatest environmental risk to health in the UK. Air pollutants in the atmosphere can create negative long-term health issues and chronic illnesses.
The government has outlined its plans to reduce the five most damaging pollutants in the UK in the Clean Air Strategy – particulate matter (PM), sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), ammonia (NH3) and non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs).
What policies are in place to improve our air?
The Government is taking action. European directives such as the Medium Combustion Plant Directive (MCPD) are also acting to improve environmental standards for medium-sized combustion plants and generators by regulating the number of pollutants they emit in the atmosphere.
A ban on heavy polluting wood burning stoves by 2022 further highlights the government’s direction of travel.
What can we do to improve our air?
Businesses are already taking the lead in reducing their impact on local air pollution by switching away from higher carbon, more polluting fuels such as oil and coal.
LPG and bioLPG have a vital role to play in improving air quality in off-grid Britain. As a clean burning and smoke free fuel, LPG emits 84% less Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) compared to oil and almost no particulate matter (PM).1 BioLPG provides the same air quality benefits and even fewer carbon emissions.
By introducing low carbon alternatives into more areas of our homes and businesses, we can help create cleaner air that’s better for our health and the environment.
Helping our customers meet their sustainability goals
Meeting clean air legislation
Doing your part for the environment
1 UK National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory, BEIS
Graph 1: Emission factors used in the estimations of emissions from combustion, SSB
Graph 2: UK National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory, BEIS